Tag: Week 6

The Clean Coder 11 & 12 Week 6

The first part of the reading talks about pressure in the work place. Commitments are a big deal in a professional environment and while you should try to avoid them as best you can sometimes other people make them for you. You are not responsible for these commitments if you did not agree to them so you should not stress over them. Keeping everything clean will help reduce stress, so make sure to take the time to make sure your code is clean. I know that if I start coding quickly and dirty that it becomes a mess and I get stressed out. Don’t be too proud to get help, if you’re running behind find a co-worker that is willing to help you.

The second section talks about collaboration, it’s a very important part of programming, we can’t do it all ourselves sometimes. When working with a team do not “own” your code, make the code accessible available to change by anyone in the team. A lot of programmers did not get into their field to work with people, quite the opposite, most did because they don’t enjoy working with people. Unfortunately there is no way to avoid this, working with other programmers and clients cannot be avoided.