The Clean Coder 7 & 8 Week 4

Acceptance testing is discussed in the first part of the reading. This is a broad subject that can be looked at different ways. Some ways this testing can be done is by having someone help you write that tests that doesn’t know how to code the tests. Also when estimating when tests will be complete, it is very hard and should not be given an exact date, but a large time frame. When a test is acceptable it means it is done, fully and completely done.

Different testing strategies are then looked at. The QA team should not find any bugs, but they usually will and are a large part of the testing process. Unit tests are the most broad and cover the most about of code, these tests are mainly for the programmers. Integration tests take component tests and make one big test from them. System tests are automated and we can set them and forget them for the most part, but they cover a very small amount of test in the program as a whole.

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